Report No. 60
3.91. Section 3(62A)-"temporary Act" or "temporary Regulation".-
The expression "temporary Act" or "temporary Regulation" has been used in a few proposed sections,1 and it is proposed to insert a definition of that expression in section 3. The new definition should be as follows:
1. E.g., section relating to the expiry of temporary Acts (proposed), Chapter 7, infra.
Section 3 (62A) (New)
3(62A). "Temporary Act" or "temporary Regulation" shall mean a Central Act or Regulation, whether made before or after the commencement of the Constitution, which is to cease to have effect or cease to operate on a particular day or on the expiration of a particular period or on the happening of a particular event.
[Existing section 3(62A) to be renumbered as section 3(62)1