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Report No. 60

11.3. Recommendation to extend section 14 to duties.-

There is another point concerning section 14. While the section provides that powers conferred by statute are exercisable from time to time (unless a different intention appears from the context), it is obvious that the position regarding duties imposed by statute should not be dissimilar. Accordingly, we recommend that the section should be extended to duties also and revised as follows.

Revised section 14

14. (1) Where, by any Central Act or Regulation made after the commencement of this Act or by any statutory instrument made thereunder, any power is conferred or any duty imposed, then unless a different intention appears, that power may be exercised, and that duty shall be performed, from time to time as occasion requires.

(2) This section applies also to all Central Acts and Regulations made on or after the fourteenth day of January, 1887, and to statutory instruments made thereunder.

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