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Report No. 60

7.2. Perpetual and temporary Acts.-

"Every statute for which no time is limited is called a perpetual Act," as the Supreme Court observed,1 A perpetual Act continues in force until it is repealed. It is, however, to be noted that no statute can be literally perpetual, that is to say, incapable of being repealed.

Temporary Acts are those on the duration of which some limit is put by the Legislature. They continue in force (unless sooner repealed) until the expiration of the time fixed for their duration. The Corpus Juris Secundum2 defines a temporary statute as one which is limited merely in its duration, or which is limited in its operation for a particular period of time after its enactment.

1. Hansraj Moolji v. State of Bombay, AIR 1957 SC 497 (500), para. 14.

2. Corpus Juris Secundum, Vol. 82, p. 980.

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