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Report No. 60

1.12. Simplification in language-Importance of.-

The importance of simplification in language should not be under-estimated. As has been observed by the Canadian Law Commission:1-2

"A part of the task (of Law reform) involves making the laws more understandable and more meaningful to the average citizen. Thus, a specific effort must be made, not only to improve law in its substance, but to reduce legal complexity and technicality. This will require a study of topics that, on the surface, may appear technical, but that, in fact, affect, in telling ways, the realisation through law of the aspirations of the average man and woman for fair treatment for themselves and for others."

1. Law Reform Commission of Canada, Research Program 1, (March 1972), p. 7.

2. See also para. 2.6, infra.

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