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Report No. 60

4.5. Practice in Rome and France.-

In ancient Rome, a Senatus Consultum had no force till deposited in the Temple of Saturn.1

1. Levy 394, Sec. Suet Aug 94.

4.6. In Prance, the President of the Republic promulgates laws, within the fortnight following their final adoption, and transmission to the Government.1 The act of promulgation is definitely part of the legislative process. A statute is made known to the public by publication in the "Bulletin Des Lois" or "Journal Official". The Code Napoleon,2 declared that laws were binding from the moment their promulgation could be known, and laid down various dates when promulgation was to be deemed to have taken place.

1. Article 10, French Constitution, 1958.

2. Article 1, Code Napoleon.

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