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Report No. 239

Expeditious Investigation and Trial of Criminal Cases Against Influential Public Personalitie.- Submitted to the Supreme Court of India in W.P. (C) No. 341/2004, Virender Kumar Ohri v. Union of India & Others

Introductory remarks
Introductory remarks
Causes for Dela.- An Overview
The causes for delay before the case reaches the Court for trial
Quality of investigation and documentation
Causes for delay in the progress of Crl. cases in trial Courts
Public Prosecutors
The principal causes of low rate of conviction are
Questions broadly
Cases against high Government officials
Rationale behind keeping track of the cases of influential Public me.- pros and cons
Special Courts
Approach to be adopted
Some measures that may be directed to be taken by the Police after FIR is received/recorded
Measures to be taken after the Court is seized of the matter
Need for ear-marked Police personnel for Court duties
Strengthening Prosecution Machinery
Increase in the number of courts and filling up of vacancies promptly
Other Issues
Other important measures to improve Crl. Justice
A. Deployment of technology at the Police Stations:
(a) Recording of FIRs
(b) Police Stations
(c) Mobile Forensic Vans
(d) Charge-sheets by CDs
B. Strengthening criminal courts' infrastructure & upgrading facilities therein:
1. Properly designed Court Complexes
2. Summons etc.- Service
3. Recording of evidence
4. Machines
5. Conferencing
6. Witness Rooms
7. Centralized Registry
8. Stenographers
Amendment to Section 477 Cr.P.C
Amendment to Section 483 Cr.P.C
A new provisio.-Section 157A

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