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Report No. 185

46. Amendment of section 78.-

In section 78 of the principal Act.-

(a) in clause (1), in the opening part, for the words " Crown Representative or" the words "Crown Representative, where such Acts ,Orders or Notifications were issue before the fifteenth day of August 1947 or', shall be substituted.

(b) in clause (2) for the words "The proceedings of the Legislatures", the words "The proceedings of Parliament or of the Legislature of any State', shall be substituted;

(c) after clause (2) the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-

"(2A) the unpublished and private proceedings of a legislature or its Committees,

by a certified extract of the proceedings issued under the signature and seal of the presiding officer of the legislature concerned or of the Chairman or head of the Committee of the legislature concerned."

(d) in clause (3), for the words 'Proclamations, orders or regulations issued by Her Majesty's Government', the words and figures 'Proclamations, orders or regulations issued by Her Majesty's Government before the fifteenth day of August 1947",shall be substituted.

(e) for clause (6) the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-

"(6). Public document of any other class in a foreign country,

(a) by the original, or

(b) by a copy certified by the legal keeper thereof, with a certificate under the seal of a Notary Public, or of an Indian Consul or diplomatic officer, that the copy is duly certified by the officer having the legal custody of the original, and upon proof of the character of the document according to the law of the foreign country."

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