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Report No. 52

7. Position in England.-

It may be noted that in England, allowance was, for some time, made for acquisition of property.1 Where an interest in land, after bearing estate duty was acquired under compulsory powers (or by agreement where compulsory powers were available) after 17th November, 1944 and before 1st January, 1954, and the compensation was less than the value on which duty was paid, the duty on that interest was subject to revision2

1. Halsbury, 3rd Edn., Vol. 15, p. 56, para. 110.

2. Finance (No. 2) Act, 1945 (9 and 10 Geo. 6, C. 13), section 57, Finance Act, 1949 (12, 13 and 14 Geo. 6, C. 7), section 32.

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