Report No. 201
(I) Scheme for reimbursement to hospitals and medical practitioners, ambulance for transfer etc. to be framed by State Governments: States to allocate Funds:
The State Government must frame a scheme for reimbursement to hospitals, medical practitioners, ambulances and those who provide vehicles for transport. The State must notify an authority which will deal with reimbursement. The State must set apart substantial money for purpose of reimbursement. The scheme must provide for the procedure for reimbursement. The scheme must be published in State Gazette. These are provided in the Draft Bill in section 10, which reads as follows:
"10. Scheme of State Government for reimbursement of expenses- (1) The State Government shall frame a scheme, within one month from the date of commencement of this Act, for the purpose of reimbursement of the expenses incurred in the course of performance of the duties referred to in sections 3 to 9, by a hospital or medical practitioner or an agency which has provided ambulance facilities or other person who has provided a vehicle for transfer as mentioned in clause (e) of section 8.
(2) Such a scheme shall, inter-alia, refer to -
(a) the authority which will be in-charge of reimbursement of expenses,
(b) the conditions which have to be satisfied before reimbursement of expenses can be granted,
(c) the manner in which applications may be made for reimbursement and what supporting documents have to be submitted or to whom the reimbursement can be made,
(d) the manner in which the material produced by the person seeking reimbursement has to be scrutinized or verified,
(e) the procedure for giving a hearing to the applicant in respect of the reimbursement claimed,
(f) the time frame for reimbursement,
(g) the mode of repayment, and
(h) other details which may result in an effective scheme of reimbursement of expenses incurred.
(1) The State Government shall allocate necessary funds for the purpose of reimbursement of the expenses incurred by those referred to in sub-section (1),
(2) The scheme framed under sub-section (1) and subsequent changes, if any, made thereto from time to time, shall be published in the Gazette of the State Government.