Report No. 201
Emtala Sign requirement at Hospitals:
The following Notice To The Public is required to be displayed in all public entrances, registration areas, emergency department, waiting areas of Hospitals, as required by the HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration) of U.S.:-
"It's The Law
If You Have a Medical Emergency, \or, Are In Labour You Have The Right To Receive, (Within The Capabilities of This Hospital's Staff And Facilities)
An Appropriate Medical Screening Examination Necessary stabilizing Treatment (Including Treatment For an Unborn Child) and, If Necessary, an Appropriate Transfer to Another Facility even If You Cannot Pay or Do Not Have Medical Insurance or
Even If You are Not Entitled To Medicare or Medicaid. This Hospital Does/does Not Participate In The Medicaid Program."
The above sign must be visible from a distance of 20' away or from patient's likely viewing point and posted in a manner likely to be seen. These provisions of EMTALA and the Regulations made for the purpose of enforcing EMTALA can be a model for considering appropriate reconsideration for a law in our country.