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Report No. 256

(x) Ukraine

6.3.12 Under Article 27 of the Ukrainian Law No. 1645-III dated 6 April 2000, all Persons affected by Leprosy receive medical assistance and treatment.130 In addition, Law No. 1645-III also provides for the setting-up of specialised medical facilities for the Leprosy patients.131 While living in these facilities, Leprosy patients enjoy the freedom of movement, regular communication and the right to vote.132 Persons affected by Leprosy are also given land for agricultural work, and are allowed to be adequately represented in local state organizations and municipalities.133

130. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).

131. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).

132. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).

133. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).

6.3.13 The above-mentioned legislations and policies are significant in that they demonstrate the attempts made by the international community to eliminate discrimination against Persons affected by Leprosy through affirmative action and anti-discrimination policies. The Law Commission has taken note of these laws and policies in other jurisdictions and has endeavoured to incorporate some of the best practices in these laws and policies into its proposed Bill annexed to this Report.

Eliminating Discrimination against Persons affected by Leprosy Back

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