Report No. 256
(iv) Egypt
6.3.5 In Egypt, Persons affected by Leprosy are entitled to full medical treatment for Leprosy free-of-cost and at any medical establishment, until such persons have been cured and have fully recovered.106 In cases where Leprosy has led to disabilities, the Persons affected by Leprosy can also undergo medical and social rehabilitation in order to reintegrate themselves as well as their family members, back into mainstream society.107 Law No. 131 of 1946, which provides for the segregation of Persons affected by Leprosy has not been enforced in Egypt since 1984, after the introduction of MDT as recommended by the WHO.108
106. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).
107. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).
108. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).