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Report No. 256

(iii) Ecuador

6.3.3 Under Articles 32 and 50 of the Constitution of Ecuador, all persons who suffer from catastrophic diseases and are in need of preferential and specialised treatment, are guaranteed the right to free-of-cost health services.103 In this regard, the treatment through MDT is made available free-of-cost, to all Persons affected by Leprosy, through the generous donations of the WHO and the Pan-American Health Organization.104

103. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).

104. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).

6.3.4 Based on statistical information and disease control, the government of Ecuador has undertaken specific steps (1) to train its health personnel; (2) to coordinate with national and international civil society organizations in order to implement education campaigns to fight discrimination against the disease; (3) to provide specialised medical attention to persons with disabilities as a result of Leprosy; and (4) to systematically control and monitor the main provinces where Leprosy is prevalent.105

105. Annual Report of the OHCHR (n 97).

Eliminating Discrimination against Persons affected by Leprosy Back

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