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Report No. 18

Converts' Marriage Dissolution Act, 1866

1. Need for revision
2. Scope of the proposed legislation
3. Difficulty caused by differences in personal laws
4,5,6. Existing law as to effect of conversion to Islam from monogamous religion
7. Sham conversions
8. Conversion from Islam
9. Summary of existing position regarding Islam, and course adopted
10. Jurisdiction and procedure-Maintenance
11. Custody of children
12. Marriages under the Special Marriage Act
13. Appendices
Index to Appendix I
Explanation of Abbreviations
Appendix I Proposals as shown in the form of a Draft Bill.
The Converts' Marriage Dissolution Bill, 1961
Chapter I Preliminary
1. Short title and extent
2. Definitions
Chapter II Effect of Conversion on Marriages
3. Conversion by itself not to dissolve marriage
4. Prohibition of bigamy
5. Dissolution of marriage on ground of conversion not permitted except under the Act
6. Dissolution of marriage on conversion, where the other party repudiates the spouse or refuses to co-habit
7. Re-marriage of divorced persons
Chapter III Jurisdiction and Procedure
8. Court to which petition should be made
9. Jurisdiction of Indian courts
10. Contents and verification of petition
11. Application of Code of Civil Procedure
12 Maintenance pendent lite, and expenses of proceedings
13 Permanent alimony and maintenance
14. Disposal of property
15. Custody of children
16. Enforcement of decrees and orders
17. Appeals from decrees and orders
Chapter IV Miscellaneous
18. Rules by the High Court
19. Proof of refusal
20. Dissolution of marriage not to affect status or right of children
21. Provision regarding persons to whom the Hindu Marriage Act applies both before and after conversion
22. Savings for marriages solemnized under the Special Marriage Act
23. Repeal
Appendix II Notes on Clauses
Clause 1
Clause 2
Clause 3
Clause 4
Clause 5
Clause 6
Clause 7
Clause 8
Clause 9
Clause 10
Clause 11 and 12
Clause 13
Clause 14
Clause 15
Clause 16
Clause 17 and 18
Clause 19
Clause 20
Clause 21
Clause 22
Clause 23
Appendix III Shows the existing sections of the Converts' Marriage Dissolution Act, 1866, and the corresponding clause in the Bill in Appendix I

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