Report No. 145
3.5. Statistics as to service matters.-
Coming to the writ petitions relating to service matters (85 as per sample data) the figures supplied by the Bureau of Public Enterprises relate to recruitment, promotion, dismissal, seniority etc. The break up of the service matters is: (i) recruitment-11 cases, (ii) dismissals-22 cases, and (iii) seniority/promotion etc.-52 cases.1 However, 16 public sector undertakings had no pending case pertaining to requirement, 13 public sector undertakings had no case relating to dismissal and 12 public sector undertakings had no cases in the category of seniority/promotion etc. Thus, on an average, 14 public sector to undertakings out of 21 had no case in the field of service matters. Only 7 public sector undertakings accounted for 85 writ petitions, which comes to about 30 pet cent. of the total litigation.
1. Director, Bureau of Public Enterprises, letter dated 5th February, 1991.