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Report No. 15

The First Schedule

Prohibited Relationship

[See section 2(m)1

Part I

1. Mother

2. Father's widow (step-mother)

3. Mother's mother

4. Mother's father's widow (step-grand-mother)

5. Father's mother

6. Father's father's widow (step-grand-mother)

7. Daughter

8. Son's widow

9. Daughter's daughter

10. Daughter's son's widow

11. Son's daughter

12. Son's son's widow

13. Sister

14. Wife's daughter (step-daughter)

15. Wife's mother

16. Wife's son's daughter (step-son's daughter)

17. Wife's daughter's daughter (step-daughter's daughter)

18. Wife's father's mother

19. Wife's mother's mother.

Explanation.-For the purposes of this Part, the expression "widow" includes a divorced wife.

Part II

20. Father

21. Mother's husband (step-father)

22. Father's father

23. Father's mother's husband (step-grand-father)

24. Mother's father

25. Mother's mother's husband (step-grand-father)

26. Son

27. Daughter's husband

28. Son's son

29. Son's daughter's husband

30. Daughter's son

31. Daughter's daughter's husband

32. Brother

33. Husband's father

34. Husband's son (step-son)

35. Husband's son's son (step-son's son)

36. Husband's daughter's son (step-daughter's son)

37. Husband's father's father

38. Husband's mother's father.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this Part, the expression "husband" includes a divorced husband.

[New] [Cf. First Schedule, S.M.A.]

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