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Report No. 15

13. Procedure to be followed by licensed Minister on receipt of notice.-

Where a notice under section 12 is given to a licensed Minister, he shall proceed as follows:-

(a) if the parties intending marriage desire it to be solemnised in a particular church building, and if the licensed Minister be entitled to officiate therein, he shall cause the notice to be published by affixing a copy thereof to some conspicuous part of such church building;

[Section 13, Christian Marriage Act.]

(b) if he is not entitled to officiate as a Minister in such church building, he shall, notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (3) of section 12, at his option, either return the notice to the person who delivered it to him, or deliver it to some other licensed Minister entitled to officiate therein, who shall there upon act as if the notice were given by the parties to him under section 12;

[Cf. section 6(2), S.M.A.]

(c) if it is intended that the marriage shall be solemnised in a private building, the licensed Minister, on receiving the notice under section 12 shall forward a copy thereof to the Marriage Registrar of the district, who shall cause it to be published by affixing it to some conspicuous place in his own office;

[Section 14, Christian Marriage Act.]

(d) if the bride intending marriage is a minor, the licensed Minister, on receiving the notice under section 12 shall, unless within twenty-four hours after its receipt he returns the same under clause (b), send by post or otherwise a copy of such notice to the Marriage Registrar of the district, or, if there be more than one Marriage Registrar of the district, to the Senior Marriage Registrar, and the Marriage Registrar or Senior Marriage Registrar, as the case may be, on receiving any such copy, shall affix it to some conspicuous place in his own office, and the latter shall further cause a copy of the said notice to be sent to each of the other Marriage Registrars in the same district, who shall likewise publish the same in the manner above directed.

[Section 15, Christian Marriage Act.]
[Cf. also section 39, para 2, Christian Marriage Act.]
[Section 16, Christian Marriage Act.]

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