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Report No. 22

Christian Marriage and Matrimonial Clauses Bill, 1961

1. Genesis of the Report
2. Action taken for inviting comments
3,4. Clause 7-Recognition of Churches-objection to principle
5. Clause 7-Advisory Committee-composition
6. Clause 7-Recognition of Churches-which Government to have power
7. Other points
8. Clause 2(a)-Christian
9. Clause 2(c)-desertion
10. Clause 2(h)-Licensed Minister
11. Clause 2(m)-Prohibited relationship
12. Clause 3-Marriage between Christians
13. Clause 4(ii)-Conditions of marriage-prohibited relationship
14. Clause 4(iv)-Conditions of marriage-age
15. Clause 4(v)-Conditions of marriage-consent of guardian
16. Clause 4(vi)-Conditions of marriage-domicile
17,18. Clause 5(1)-Consent of guardian in marriage
19. Clauses 5(4) and 5(5)-Permission of district court
20. Clause 6(a)-Who may solemnize marriages-Ministers of recognised Churches
21. Clause 7
22. Clause 9(1)-Marriage Registrars in India
23. Clause 11(1)-Solemnization of marriages by Ministers of recognised Churches
24. Clause 11(2)(b)-Solemnization of marriages by Ministers of recognised Churches
25. Clause 13(d)-Procedure to be followed by licensed Minister on receipt of notice
26. Clause 16(3)-(Objection to certificate) and clause 17(1)
27. Clause 20-Solemnization of marriage by licensed Minister
28. Clause 24-Restitution
29. Clause 29-Judicial separation
30,31. Clause 27-Void marriages
32. Clause 28(2)-Marriage voidable for under-age or want of consent of guardian
33. Clause 30-Grounds of divorce-general
34. Clause 30(1)(ii)-Grounds of divorce-conversion
35. Clause 30(1)(vii)-Grounds of divorce-wilful refusal to consummate
36. Clause 30(1)(x)-Grounds of divorce-cruelty
37. Clause 30(1)-Grounds of divorce-mutual consent
38. Divorce-other suggestions
39. Clause 33-Remarriage of divorced persons
40. Clause 36(3)-Court to which petition to be made
41. Clause 36-Ex parte decree
42. Clause 36(3)-Court to which petition to be made-backward areas
43. First Schedule-Prohibited relationship
44. Conclusions
45. Appendix
Appendix Changes Recommended in the Christian Marriage and Matrimonial Causes Bill, 1961

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