Report No. 35
Andhra Pradesh
Statement showing particulars of case of Capital Punisment during the period from.-1-1957 to 31-12-1961
Confirming Jurisdiction: |
No. of cases referred to the High Court for confirmation of death Sentences |
242 |
1. The number of cases in which sentence of death was confirmed |
69 |
2. The number of cases in which sentence of death was modified |
123 |
3. The number of cases in which sentence of death was set aside |
50 |
Appellate Jurisdiction: |
No. of Appeals against the order of acquittal under section 302, I.P.C. filed in the High Court Out of these appeals |
256 |
1. Number of appeals in which sentence of death was passed |
2 |
2. The number of appeals in which the orders of acquittal were modified |
70 |
3. The number of appeals in which the orders of acquittal were confirmed |
184 |
Revisional Jurisdiction: |
No. of Revision Cases filed for enhancement of sentence of death |
3 |
No. of Revision Cases in which death sentence was passed |
Nil. |