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Report No. 171

Biodiversity Bill

Biodiversity Bill
Biodiversity Bill
Annexure-A The Biological Diversity Bill, 2000
Biological Diversity Bill, 2000
Chapter I Preliminary
1. Short title: extent, application and commencement
2. Definitions
3. Application of Uruguay Round Agreements
Chapter II Establishment and Constitution of National Authority
4. Establishment and constitution of National Biodiversity Authority
5. Salary, allowances and other conditions of service of Chairperson and members
6. Chairperson to be Chief Executive
7. Secretary, Chief Accountants and Finance Officer and other staff
8. Committees of National Authority
Chapter III Responsibilities of the Central Government
9. General Measures for conservation and sustainable use
Chapter IV Functions and Powers of The National Authority
10. Functions of National Authority
11. Guidelines for benefit sharing biological resources
Chapter V State Biodiversity Board and Biodiversity Management Committees
12. State Biodiversity Board
13. Functions of the State Boards
14. Biodiversity Management Committees in Municipalities and Panchayats
Chapter VI General Powers of The National Authority in other Matters
15. Protection of knowledge of local people relating to Biodiversity
16. Activities with prior informed consent
17. Penalties
18. Equitable Sharing of Benefits
19. Prior Permission Regarding Commercial Application
20. Biological Diversity Heritage Sites
21. Power to Notify Threatened Species
22. Repositories For Different Categories Of Biological Resources
Chapter VII National State and Local Biodiversity Fund
23. National Biodiversity Fund
24. State Biodiversity Fund
25. Local Biodiversity Fund
Chapter VIII Finance, Accounts and Audit
26. Grants by the Central Government
27. Grants by the State Government
28. Accounts and Audit
29. Accounts and Audit of Board and Management Committee
Chapter IX Supersession of Dissolution of Authority
30 Powers of Central Government to give Direction to Authority
31. Supersession of National Authority
32. Dissolution of National Authority
Chapter X Miscellaneous
33. Penalties and offences
34. Effect of other laws
35. Power of Central Government to give directions to the State Government
36. Power to Grant Exemptions
37. Exemption from Income-tax
38. Protection of action taken in good faith
39. Cognizance of offence
40. Members, officers and employees of the Authority to be public servants
41. Power to delegate
42. Vacancy or defect not to affect the validity of action taken
43. Power of Entry, Inspection and Seizure
44. Power of Central Government to make rules
45. Power of State Government to make rules
46. Power to exempt
47. Power to remove difficulties

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