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Report No. 44

15. The points for consideration are

(i) does the existing position under Article 133 require to be changed; and

(ii) if so, is it sufficient to enhance the valuation limit from the present 20,000 rupees to one lakh rupees, as proposed in the lapsed Bill (Annexure A); or

(iii) is it preferable to repeal sub-clauses (a) and (b) of Article 133(1) allowing appeals under that Article only on a certificate of fitness under sub-clause (c) [without prejudicing in any way the power of the Supreme Court to grant special leave under Article 136]; or

(iv) alternatively, in place of sub-clauses (a) and (b), should there be a provision for appeal from a judgment, decree or final order of a Division Bench of the High Court1 exercising original jurisdiction (ordinary or extraordinary, e.g., on a writ petition) irrespective of value, or when above a certain value;

(v) whichever alternative is adopted, what should be the transitional provision as regards-

(a) matters pending in the High Court by way of appeal or revision or in its original jurisdiction, and

(b) matters pending in the High Court for the issue of a certificate on the basis of pecuniary valuation; would a provision on the lines of clause 4 of the lapsed Bill2 be satisfactory:-

1. Or of a Judicial Commissioner's Court with a single Judge

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