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Report No. 10

Land Acquisition (East Punjab Amendment) Act, 1948 (XV of 1948)

The East Punjab Act (XV of 1948) seeks to protect the compensation amount from attachment etc., by inserting a new section 52A in the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 to the following effect:

"52A. No compensation awarded or awardable under this Act-

(a) before it is actually paid to the person entitled to receive the same or;

(b) before or after it is actually paid to the person entitled to receive the same in respect of any land which is not liable under the law for the time being inforce to attachment or sale in execution of a decree or order of any court,

shall be liable to seizure, attachment, or sequestration by process of any Court, at the instance of a creditor, for any demand against the person entitled to compensation, or in satisfaction of a decree or order of any court, and, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law for the time being in force, neither the official assignee nor any receiver appointed under any law shall be entitled to proceed against or to have any claim on any such compensation."

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