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The Tobacco Board Act, 1975

[Act No. 4 of 1975]

[19th March, 1975.]

Title The Tobacco Board Act, 1975
Sections: Particulars:
Chapter I Preliminary Sections
1. Short title, extent and commencement
2. Declaration as to expediency of control by the Union
3. Definitions
Chapter II The Tobacco Board
4. Establishment and constitution of the Board
5. Salary and allowances and other conditions of service of Chairman
6. Officers of the Board and other staff
7. Committees of the Board
8. Functions of the Board
9. Dissolution of the Board
Chapter III Regulation of Production and Disposal of Virginia Tobacco
10. Registration of growers of virginia tobacco
10A. Registration of growers of virginia tobacco seedlings for commercial purposes
11. The Pro-Vice-Chancellors
11A. Registration of processors and manufacturers of virginia tobacco, etc
11B. Licences to be obtained for grading work and construction of barns, etc
12. Registration of exporters, packers, auctioneers and dealers
13. Virginia tobacco to be sold at registered auction platforms
13A. Duty of registered dealers and exporters to purchase at auction platforms, etc
13B. Duty or buyers of virginia tobacco at places other than auction platforms to refrain from certain unfair practices
14. Application, cancellation, fees and other matters relating to registration
14A. Power to levy fees
15. Power of inspection
Chapter IV Finance, Accounts and Audit
16. Grants and loans by the Central Government
17. Constitution of the Tobacco Fund
18. Borrowing powers of the Board
18A. Writing off of losses
19. Accounts and audit
Chapter V Control by Central Government
20. Power to prohibit or control import and export of tobacco and tobacco products
20A. Power of Central Government to authorise purchase of virginia tobacco
21. Directions by Central Government
22. Returns and reports
Chapter VI Miscellaneous
23. Penalties
24. Penalties for obstructing a member, officer or other employee of the Board in the discharge of his duties and for failure to produce books and records
25. Other penalties
26. Offences by companies
27. Jurisdiction of court
28. Previous sanction of Central Government
29. Protection of action taken in good faith
30. Suspension of operation of Act
31. Application of other laws not barred
32. Power of Central Government to make rules
33. Power to make regulations

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