The Tobacco Board Act, 1975
[Act No. 4 of 1975]
[19th March, 1975.]
Contents: |
Title |
The Tobacco Board Act, 1975 |
Sections: |
Particulars: |
Chapter I |
Preliminary Sections |
1. |
Short title, extent and commencement |
2. |
Declaration as to expediency of control by the Union |
3. |
Definitions |
Chapter II |
The Tobacco Board |
4. |
Establishment and constitution of the Board |
5. |
Salary and allowances and other conditions of service of Chairman |
6. |
Officers of the Board and other staff |
7. |
Committees of the Board |
8. |
Functions of the Board |
9. |
Dissolution of the Board |
Chapter III |
Regulation of Production and Disposal of Virginia Tobacco |
10. |
Registration of growers of virginia tobacco |
10A. |
Registration of growers of virginia tobacco seedlings for commercial purposes |
11. |
The Pro-Vice-Chancellors |
11A. |
Registration of processors and manufacturers of virginia tobacco, etc |
11B. |
Licences to be obtained for grading work and construction of barns, etc |
12. |
Registration of exporters, packers, auctioneers and dealers |
13. |
Virginia tobacco to be sold at registered auction platforms |
13A. |
Duty of registered dealers and exporters to purchase at auction platforms, etc |
13B. |
Duty or buyers of virginia tobacco at places other than auction platforms to refrain from certain unfair practices |
14. |
Application, cancellation, fees and other matters relating to registration |
14A. |
Power to levy fees |
15. |
Power of inspection |
Chapter IV |
Finance, Accounts and Audit |
16. |
Grants and loans by the Central Government |
17. |
Constitution of the Tobacco Fund |
18. |
Borrowing powers of the Board |
18A. |
Writing off of losses |
19. |
Accounts and audit |
Chapter V |
Control by Central Government |
20. |
Power to prohibit or control import and export of tobacco and tobacco products |
20A. |
Power of Central Government to authorise purchase of virginia tobacco |
21. |
Directions by Central Government |
22. |
Returns and reports |
Chapter VI |
Miscellaneous |
23. |
Penalties |
24. |
Penalties for obstructing a member, officer or other employee of the Board in the discharge of his duties and for failure to produce books and records |
25. |
Other penalties |
26. |
Offences by companies |
27. |
Jurisdiction of court |
28. |
Previous sanction of Central Government |
29. |
Protection of action taken in good faith |
30. |
Suspension of operation of Act |
31. |
Application of other laws not barred |
32. |
Power of Central Government to make rules |
33. |
Power to make regulations |