16. The Planning Board
(1) The Planning Board shall be the principal planning body of the University and shall be responsible for-
(a) reviewing the educational programmes offered by the University;
(b) organising the structure of education in the University so as to provide opportunities to students to offer different combinations of subjects appropriate for the development of personality and skills for useful work in society;
(c) creating an atmosphere and environment conducive to value-oriented education; and (d) developing new teaching-learning processes which will combine the lectures, tutorials, seminars, demonstrations, self-studies and collective practical projects.
(2) The Planning Board shall have the power to advise on the development of the University and review the progress implementation of programmes so as to ascertain whether they are on the lines recommended by it and shall also have the power to advise the Board of Management and the Academic Council on any matter in connection therewith.
(3) The Academic Council and the Board of Management shall be bound to consider the recommendations of the Planning Board and shall implement such of the recommendations as are accepted by it.
(4) Such of those recommendations of the Planning Board as have not been accepted by the Board of Management or the Academic Council under clause (3) shall be submitted by the Vice-Chancellor along with the recommendations of the Board of Management or the Academic Council, to the Visitor for advice and the advice of the Visitor shall be implemented by the Board of Management or the Academic Council, as the case may be.
(5) The Planning Board may constitute such committees as may be necessary for planning and monitoring the programmes of the University.