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The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014

26. Publication of street vendor’s charter and data-base and carrying out of social audit.

1.      Every Town Vending Committee shall publish the street vendor's charter specifying therein the time within which the certificate of vending shall be issued to a street vendor and the time within which such certificate of vending shall be renewed and other activities to be performed within the time limit specified therein.

2.      Every Town Vending Committee shall maintain up to date records of registered street vendors and street vendors to whom certificate of vending has been issued containing name of such street vendor, stall allotted to him, nature of business carried out by him, category of street vending and such other particulars which may be relevant to the street vendors, in such manner as may be prescribed.

3.      Every Town Vending Committee shall carry out social audit of its activities under the Act or the rules or the schemes made there under in such form and manner as may be specified in the scheme.

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