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The States Reorganisation Act, 1956

[Act No. 37 of 1956]

[31st August, 1956.]

Title States Reorganisation Act, 1956
Part I Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Definitions
Part II Territorial Changes and formation of New States
3. Transfer of territory from Hyderabad to Andhra and alteration of name
4. Transfer of territory from Travancore-Cochin to Madras
5. Formation of Kerala State
6. Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Islands
7. Formation of a new Mysore State
8. Formation of a new Bombay State
9. Formation of a new Madhya Pradesh State
10. Formation of a new Rajasthan State
11. Formation of a new Punjab State
12. Amendment of the First Schedule to the Constitution
Part A Table 1
Part B Table 2
Part C Table 3
13. Saving powers of State Governments
Part III Zones and Zonal Councils
14. [Repealed.]
15. Establishment of Zonal Councils
16. Composition of the Councils
17. Meetings of the Councils
18. Power to appoint Committees
19. Staff of the Council
20. Office of the Council
21. Functions of the Councils
22. Joint meetings of Zonal Councils
Part IV Representation in the legislatures
The Council of States
23. Amendment of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution
24. Allocation of sitting members in the Council of States
25. By-elections to fill vacancies
26. Term of office of members
The House of the People
27. Provision as to existing House
The Legislative Assembly
28. Changes in composition and allocation of sitting members
29. Special provision for elections to the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly
30. Duration of Legislative Assemblies
31. Speakers and Deputy Speakers
32. Rules of procedure
The Legislative Councils
33. Madhya Pradesh Legislative Council
34. Bombay Legislative Council
35. Madras Legislative Council
36. Mysore Legislative Council
37. Punjab Legislative Council
38. Chairman and Deputy Chairman
39. Rules of procedure
Delimitation of Constituencies
40. Allocation of seats in the House of the People and assignment of seats to State Legislative Assemblies
41. Modification of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders
42. Determination of population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
43. Constitution of Delimitation Commission
44. Duties of the Commission
45. Associate members
46. Casual vacancies
47. Procedure as to delimitation
48. Special provision as to certain elections
Part V High Courts
49. High Courts for the new States
50. Abolition of certain Courts
51. Principal seat and other places of sitting of High Courts for new States
52. Jurisdiction of High Courts for new States
53. Power to enrol advocates, etc
54. Practice and procedure
55. Custody of seal of the High Court
56. Form of writs and other processes
57. Powers of Judges
58. Procedure as to appeals to the Supreme Court
59. Transfer of proceedings to Bombay High Court
60. Extension of jurisdiction of, and transfer of proceedings to, Kerala High Court
61. Transfer of proceedings to Madhya Pradesh High Court
62. Transfer of proceedings to Mysore High Court
63. Transfer of proceedings to Punjab High Court
64. Transfer of proceedings to Rajasthan High Court
65. High Court of Andhra Pradesh
66. High Court for the areas added to Madras
67. Right to appear or act in proceedings transferred to other High Courts
68. Interpretation
69. Savings
Part VI Authorisation of Expenditure
70. Authorisation of expenditure of new States
71. Appropriation of moneys for expenditure in transferred territories under existing Appropriation Acts
72. Reports relating to the accounts of certain States
73. Allowances and privileges of Governors of certain States
74. Distribution of revenues
Part VII Apportionment of Assets and Liabilities of Certain Part A and Part B States
75. Application of Part
76. Land and goods
77. Treasury and bank balances
78. Arrears of taxes
79. Right to recover loans and advances
80. Credits in certain funds
81. Assets and liabilities of State undertakings
82. Public debt
83. Refund of taxes collected in excess
84. Deposits
85. Provident funds
86. Pensions
87. Contracts
88. Liability in respect of actionable wrong
89. Liability as guarantor of co-operative society
90. Items in suspense
91. Residuary provision
92. Power of the Central Government to order allocation or adjustment in certain cases
93. Certain expenditure to be charged on the Consolidated Fund
Part VIII Apportionment of Certain Assets and Liabilities of The Union
94. Definitions
95. Passing of certain assets and liabilities of the Union to successor States
96. Arrears of taxes
97. Loans and advances
98. Debts due to Central Government
99. Provident fund
100. Pensions
101. Contracts
Part IX Provisions as to Certain Corporations and Inter-State Agreements and Arrangements
102. Provision as to certain State Financial Corporations
103. Provisions as to the Madras Industrial Investment Corporation
104. Amendment of Act 2 of 1934
21-B. Effect of agreements made between the Bank and certain States before the Ist November, 1956
105. Amendment of Act 6 of 1942
5A. Transitional provisions regarding certain co-operative societies affected by reorganisation of States
5B. Power to delegate
106. Provision as to certain State Electricity Boards and apportionment of their assets and liabilities
107. Continuance of arrangements in regard to generation and supply of electric power and supply of water
108. Continuance of agreements and arrangements relating to certain irrigation, power or multi-purpose projects
109. General provision as to statutory corporations
110. Temporary provisions as to the continuance of certain existing road transport permits
111. Special provision relating to retrenchment compensation in certain cases
112. Provision as to the Devaswom Surplus Fund of Travancore
113. Continuance of facilities in certain State institutions
Part X Provisions as to Services
114. Provisions relating to All-India Services
115. Provisions relating to other services
116. Provision as to continuance of officers in the same posts
117. Power of Central Government to give directions
118. Provisions as to State Public Service Commissions
Part XI Legal and Miscellaneous Provisions
119. Territorial extent of laws
120. Power to adapt laws
121. Power to construe laws
122. Power to name authorities, etc., for exercising statutory functions
123. Legal proceedings
124. Right of pleaders to practise in certain Courts
125. Provisions as to certain pending proceedings
126. [Repealed.]
127. Effect of the provisions of the Act inconsistent with other laws
128. Power to remove difficulties
129. Power to make rules
130. Repeal of Act 49 of 1951
The Schedules
Schedule I [See Section 28 (3)]
Schedule II Modifications in The Delimitation of Council Constituencies (Madras) Order, 1951
Schedule III Allocation of Seats in The House of the People and Assignment of Seats to State Legislative Assemblies
Schedule IV I. Modified form of Section 3 of the Union Duties of Excise (Distribution) Act, 1953
II. Modified form of Paragraphs 3 and 5 of The Constitution (Distribution of Revenues) Order, 1953
Schedule V Apportionment of Liability in Respect of Pensions
Schedule VI [See Section 113]

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