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The Third Schedule

[See Section 40]

Allocation of Seats in The House of the People and Assignment of Seats to State Legislative Assemblies

The number of seats in the House of the People to be allotted to each of the States 2[and Union territories] and the number of seats to be assigned to the Legislative Assembly of each 3[State other than Jammu and Kashmir] shall be as shown in the following Table:-


4* * * Number of seats in the House of the People Number of seats in the Legislative Assembly
1. Andhra Pradesh... 43 301
2. Assam.... 12 108
3. Bihar...... 55 330
4. Bombay.... 66 396
5. Kerala.... 18 126
6. Madhya Pradesh... 36 288
7. Madras.... 41 205
8. Mysore.... 26 208
9. Orissa... 20 140
10. Punjab... 22 154
11. Rajasthan... 22 176
12. Uttar Pradesh... 86 430
13. West Bengal... 34 238
14. Jammu and Kashmir.. 6
15. Delhi.... 5
16. Himachal Pradesh.. 4
17. Manipur... 2
18. Tripura... 2

1. Subs. by Act 67 of 1956, s. 3, for "4" (w.e.f. 1-11-1956).

2. Ins. by the Adaptation of Laws (No. 1) Order, 1956.

3. Subs., ibid., for "Part A State".

4. The word "States" omitted., ibid.

States Reorganisation Act, 1956 Back

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