Part IX
Provisions as to Certain Corporations and Inter-State Agreements and Arrangements
102. Provision as to certain State Financial Corporations.-
(1) As from the appointed day, the Financial Corporations established under the State Financial Corporations Act, 1951 (63 of 1951), for the existing States of Madhya Bharat, Punjab, Rajasthan and Travancore-Cochin shall be deemed to be the Financial Corporations established under the said Act for the new States of Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Kerala, respectively.
(2) The States of Kerala, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan shall be liable to pay to the States of Madras, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, respectively, on account of the share of each of the last-named States in the paid-up capital of the Financial Corporations for the existing States of Travancore-Cochin, Madhya Bharat and Rajasthan, respectively, such amount as the Central Government may by order determine.
(3) As from the appointed day, the Financial Corporations established under the State Financial Corporations Act, 1951 (63 of 1951), for the existing States of Andhra and Hyderabad shall stand amalgamated and shall be deemed to be the Financial Corporation established under the said Act for the State of Andhra Pradesh.
(4) After consulting the Governments of the existing States of Andhra and Hyderabad, the Central Government may, before the appointed day, by notified order, provide for the constitution of the Board of Directors of the Financial Corporation for the State of Andhra Pradesh and for such consequential, incidental and supplemental matters as may, in the opinion of the Central Government, be necessary to give effect to the provisions of sub-section (3).
(5) The State of Andhra Pradesh shall be liable to pay to each of the new States of Mysore and Bombay on account of its share of the paid-up capital of the Financial Corporation for the existing State of Hyderabad such amount as the Central Government may, by order, determine.
(6) As from the appointed day, the Financial Corporations established under the State Financial Corporations Act, 1951 (63 of 1951), for the existing States of Bombay and Saurashtra shall stand amalgamated and shall be deemed to be the Financial Corporation established under the said Act for the new State of Bombay.
(7) After consulting the Governments of the existing States of Bombay and Saurashtra, the Central Government may, before the appointed day, by notified order, provide for the constitution of the Board of Directors of the Financial Corporation for the new State of Bombay and for such consequential, incidental and supplemental matters as may, in the opinion of the Central Government, be necessary to give effect to the provisions of sub-section (6).
(8) The new State of Bombay shall be liable to pay to each of the new States of Mysore and Rajasthan on account of its share of the paid-up capital of the Financial Corporation for the existing State of Bombay such amount as the Central Government may, by order, determine.