Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1985
29. Power of Inspector to enter premises.-
An Inspector may, if he has any reason to believe, whether from any information given to him by any person and taken down by him in writing or from personal knowledge or otherwise, that an offence punishable under this Act has been, or is likely to be, committed in relation to any weight, measure or other goods which are sold, delivered or distributed by weight, measure or number, enter, at all reasonable times, into any premises--
i. where such weight or measure is--
a. made, manufactured, repaired, or sold, or
b. used, or kept or believed to be kept for use, in any transaction or for industrial production or for protection;
ii. Where such goods are manufactured, packed, distributed or sold or kept or offered for sale in packaged form, and inspect or verify any weight or measure or the net contents, by weight, measure or number, of any package, and may also examine any document or other record relating thereto.