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Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976

42. Weight or measure of the first category to be presumed to be correct throughout the territory of India. -

(1)Every weight or measure of the first category which is stamped with the special seal referred to in sub-section (3) of Sec. 41 shall be presumed to be correct throughout the territory of India and shall not be required, until its re-verification in the transferee State becomes due to efflux of time, to be verified or stamped in the transferee State:

Provided that where the local Inspector in the transferee State has any reason to believe that any weight or measure of the first category has lost its accuracy in transit or has, for any other reason, ceased to conform to the standards of weight or measure established by or under this Act, he may, for reasons to be recorded by him in writing, and communicated to the Controller of the transferor State, through the Controller of the transferee State, -

(a) Verify such weight or measure: and

(b) If, on verification such weight or measure is found to be inaccurate, -

(i) Cause such adjustment as is necessary to be made so as to make it conform to t lie standards established by or under this Act, or

(ii) Where he is of opinion that such adjustment is not possible, reject it and obliterate the stamp thereon:

Provided further that where any verification, adjustment or obliteration is made in exercise of the powers conferred by the foregoing proviso, no fee shall be charged for such verification, adjustment or obliteration.

(2) In computing the time when the re-verification of a weight or measure of the first category shall become due in the transferee State, the period during which such weight or measure remains unsold or undistributed in the transferee State, shall be excluded.

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