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14. Licensing of transactions in rubber.

No person shall sell or otherwise dispose of and no person shall buy or otherwise acquire, rubber except under and in accordance with the terms of a general or special licence issued by the Board:

1. The words in brackets shall stand substituted (date to be notified) by Act 4 of 2010, s. 7 to read as "thirty days"

2. The words in brackets shall stand substituted (date to be notified) by s. 7, ibid., to read as "rubber acquired"

3. The words in brackets shall stand substituted (date to be notified) by s. 7, ibid., to read as "owner, exporter or manufacturer"

4. The words, brackets and figure in brackets shall stand inserted (date to be notified) by s. 7, ibid.

5. The words in brackets shall stand inserted (date to be notified) by s. 8, ibid.

6. The words, brackets and figures "after consulting the Rubber Price Advisory Committee constituted under sub-section (1) of section 7" omitted by Act 54 of 1954, s. 15 (w.e.f. 1-8-1955).

Rubber Act, 1947 Back

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