Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013
Chapter III Special Provision to Safeguard Food Security
10. Special provision to safeguard food security.
1. Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (2), no irrigated multi-cropped land shall be acquired under this Act.
2. Such land may be acquired subject to the condition that it is being done under exceptional circumstances, as a demonstrable last resort, where the acquisition of the land referred to in sub-section (1) shall, in aggregate for all projects in a districts or state, in no case exceed such limits as may be notified by the appropriate Government considering the relevant State specific factors and circumstances.
3. Whenever multi-crop irrigated land is acquired under sub-section (2), an equivalent area of culturable wasteland shall be developed for agricultural purposes or an amount equivalent to the value of the land acquired shall be deposited with the appropriate Government for investment in agriculture for enhancing food-security.
4. In a case not falling under sub-section (1), the acquisition of the agriculture land in aggregate for all projects in a district or State, shall in no case exceed such limits of the total net sown area of that district or State, as may be notified by the appropriate Government:
Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of projects that are linear in nature such as those relating to railways, highways, major district roads, irrigation canals, power lines and the like.