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Chapter VIII

Duties and Responsibilities of Appropriate Governments

39. Awareness campaigns:-

(1) The appropriate Government, in consultation with the Chief Commissioner or the State Commissioner, as the case may be, shall conduct, encourage, support or promote awareness campaigns and sensitisation programmes to ensure that the rights of the persons with disabilities provided under this Act are protected.

(2) The programmes and campaigns specified under sub-section (1) shall also,-

(a) promote values of inclusion, tolerance, empathy and respect for diversity;

(b) advance recognition of the skills, merits and abilities of persons with disabilities and of their contributions to the workforce, labour market and professional fee;

(c) foster respect for the decisions made by persons with disabilities on all matters related to family life, relationships, bearing and raising children;

(d) provide orientation and sensitisation at the school, college, University and professional training level on the human condition of disability and the rights of persons with disabilities;

(e) provide orientation and sensitisation on disabling conditions and rights of persons with disabilities to employers, administrators and co-workers;

(f) ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are included in the curriculum in Universities, colleges and schools.

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 Back

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