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31. Ballot papers when invalid.-

(1) A ballot paper shall be invalid on which-

(a) the figure 1 is not marked; or

(b) the figure 1 is marked opposite the name of more than one candidate or is so marked as to render it doubtful to which candidate it is intended to apply; or

(c) the figure 1 and some other figure are marked opposite the name of the same candidate; or

(d) any mark is made by which the elector may afterwards be identified.

Explanation.-The figures referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this sub-rule may be marked in the international form of Indian numerals or in the Roman form or in the form used in any Indian language, but shall not be indicated in words.

(2) A ballot paper shall also be invalid if, being a postal ballot paper, the signature of the elector is not duly attested.

Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 Back

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