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19. Recording of votes of illiterate or disabled elector.-

(1) If an elector is unable to read the ballot paper or to record his vote thereon in accordance with rule 17 by reason of illiteracy or blindness or, by not being conversant with the language in which the ballot papers are printed or, by reason of any physical or other disability, the presiding officer shall record the vote on the ballot paper in accordance with the wishes of the elector.

(2) The elector shall then himself or with the assistance of the presiding officer fold up the ballot paper so as to conceal his vote and insert it into the ballot box.

(3) While acting under this rule, the presiding officer shall observe as much secrecy as is feasible and shall keep a brief record of each such instance but shall not indicate therein the manner in which any vote has been cast.

Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 Back

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