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The Central Reserve Police Force Act, 1949

10. Less heinous offences.

Every member of the Force who-

  1. is in a state of intoxication when on, or after having been warned for, any duty or on parade or on the line of march ; or
  2. strikes or attempts to force any sentry ; or
  3. being in command of a guard, picquet or patrol, refuses to receive any prisoner or person duly committed to his charge, or without proper authority releases any person or prisoner placed under his charge, or negligently suffers any such prisoner or person to escape ; or
  4. being under arrest or in confinement, leaves his arrest or confinement, before he is set at liberty by lawful authority ; or
  5. is grossly insubordinate or insolent to his superior officer in the execution of his office ; or
  6. refuses to superintend or assist in the making of any fieldwork or other work of any description ordered to be made either in quarters or in the field ; or
  7. strikes or otherwise ill-uses any member of the Force sub- ordinate to him in rank or position ; or
  8. designedly or through neglect injures or loses or fraudulently disposes of his arms, clothes, tools, equipments, ammunition or accoutrements, or any such articles entrusted to him or belonging to any other person ; or
  9. malingers or feigns or produces disease or infirmity in himself, or intentionally delays his cure, or aggravates his disease or infirmity; or
  10. with intent to render himself or any other person unfit for service, voluntarily causes hurt to himself or any other person ; or
  11. does not, when called upon by his superior officer so to do or upon ceasing to be a member of the Force forthwith deliver up, or duly account for, all or any arms, ammunition, stores, accoutrements or other property issued or supplied to him or in his custody or possession as such ember ; or
  12. knowingly furnishes a false return or report of the number or state of any men under his command or charge or of any money, arms, ammunition, clothing, equipments, stores or other property in his charge, whether belonging to such men or to the Government or to any member of, or any person attached to the Force, or who, through design or culpable neglect, omits or refuses to make or send any return or report of the matters aforesaid ; or
  13. absents himself without leave, or without sufficient cause over-stays leave granted to him ; or
  14. is guilty of any act or omission which, though not specified in this Act, is prejudicial to good order and discipline ; or
  15. contravenes any provision of this Act for which no punishment is expressly provided ; or who, while not on active duty,-
  16. commits any of the offences specified in clauses (e) to (1) (both inclusive) of section 9,shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to three months pay, or with both.

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