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The Central Reserve Police Force Act, 1949

13. Deductions from pay and allowances.

The following penal deductions may be made from the pay and allowances of a member of the Force by his company officer, that is to say,-

  1. all pay and allowances for every day of absence either on desertion or without leave and for every day of imprisonment awarded by a criminal Court or of confinement awarded under section 11 ;
  2. all pay and allowances for every day whilst he is in custody on a charge for an offence of which he is afterwards convicted ;
  3. all pay and allowances for every day on which he is in hospital on account of sickness certified by the medical officer attending on him at the hospital to have been caused by an offence committed by him under this Act;
  4. all pay and allowances ordered to be forfeited under section 11 ; and
  5. such sum as may be ordered by the Commandant or assistant commandant in order to make good any expenses caused by the member of the Force, or any loss of, or damage or destruction done by him to, any arms, ammunition, equipment, clothing, instruments or decorations belonging to the Force or to any buildings or property.

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