29. Pensions of servants of boards.-
In the case of an officer or servant, not being a Government official referred to in section 28, a district board may-
(1) grant him leave-allowances and, if he is employed under the district committee when this Act comes into force and not entitled to pension, or if his monthly pay is less than ten rupees, a gratuity ; and
(2) if empowered in this behalf by the Local Government-
(a) subscribe in his behalf for pension or gratuity and leave-allowances under the rules of the Government Civil Pension and Leave Codes for the time being in force ; or
(b) purchase for him from the Government or otherwise an annuity on his retirement : Provided that no pension, gratuity, leave-allowance or annuity shall exceed the sum to which, under the 1[Civil Service Regulations] for the time being in force, the servant would be entitled if the service had been service under the Government.