E.-Of ficers and Servants.
27. Employment of officers and servants.-
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and to any rules which may be made under this Act in servants this behalf, every district board may employ and pay such officers and servants as may be necessary and proper for the efficient execution of its duties and of the duties of the local boards acting under it : Provided that if, at any time, in the opinion of the Deputy Commissioner,-
(a) the number of persons employed by a board under this section, or the remuneration assigned by the board to those persons, or to any of them, is excessive, or (b) any such person is unfit for his employment, the board shall, on the requirement of the Deputy Commissioner, reduce the number, or remuneration, of those persons, or, as the -case may be, dismiss the unfit person.
(2) The Commissioner of the division, whose decision shall be final.