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3. Definitions.-

In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, -

(a) the expressions "lessor" and "lessee" respectively include a licensor and licensee;

(b) "mine" means any excavation for the purpose of searching for or obtaining 3[mineral oils] and includes an oilwell;

(c) 3["mineral oils"] include natural gas and petroleum;

(d) "mining lease" means a lease granted for the purpose of searching for, winning, working, getting, making merchantable, carrying away or disposing of 3[mineral oils] or for purposes connected therewith, and includes an exploring or a prospecting license;

(e) "oilfield" means any area where any operation for the purpose of obtaining natural gas and petroleum, crude oil, refined oil, partially refined oil and any of the products of petroleum in a liquid or solid state, is to be or is being carried on.

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