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47. Lambardars may be required to collect canal-dues.-

The Collector may require the lambardar, or person under engagement to pay the land -revenue of any estate, to collect and pay any sums payable under this Act by a third party, in respect of any land or water in such estate.

Such sums shall be recoverable by the Collector as if they were arrears of land -revenue due in respect of the defaulter's share in such estate;

and for the purpose of collecting such sums from the subordinate zamindars, raiyats, 1[tenants or sub- tenants], such lambardar or person may exercise the powers, and shall be subject to the rules, laid down in the law for the time being in force in respect to the collection by him of the rents of land or of shares of land-revenue.

The State Government shall provide-

(a) for remunerating persons collecting sums under this section; or

(b) for indemnifying them against expenses properly incurred by them in such collection; or

(c) for both such purposes.

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