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29. Conditions binding on applicant placed in occupation.-

When any such applicant is placed in occupation of land or of a water-course as aforesaid, the following rules and conditions shall be binding on him and his representative in interest :-

First.-All works necessary for the passage across such water-course, of water-courses existing previous to its construction and of the drainage intercepted by it, and for affording proper communications across it for the convenience of the neighbouring lands, shall be constructed by the applicant, and be maintained by him or his representative in interest to the satisfaction of the Divisional Canal-officer.

Second.-Land occupied for a water-course under the provisions of section 22 stall be used only for the purpose of such water-course.

Third.-The proposed water-course shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Divisional Canal- officer within one year after the applicant is placed in occupation of the land.

In cases in which land is occupied or a water-course is transferred on the terms of a rent-charge.

Fourth.-The applicant or his representative in interest shall, so long as he occupies such land or water-course, pay rent for the same at such rate and on such days as are determined by the Collector when the applicant is placed in occupation.

Fifth.-If the right to occupy the land cease owing to a breach of any of these rules, the liability to pay the said rent shall continue until the applicant or his representative in interest has restored the land to its original condition, or until he has paid, by way of compensation for any injury done to the said land, such amount and to such persons as the Collector determines.

Sixth.-The Collector may, on the application of the person entitled to receive such rent or compensation, determine the amount of rent due or assess the amount of such compensation; and, if any such rent or compensation be not paid by the applicant or his representative in interest, the Collector may recover the amount, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per annum from the date on which it became due, as if it were an arrear of land-revenue, and shall pay the same, when recovered, to the person to whom it is due.

If any of the rules and conditions prescribed by this section are not complied with, or if any water-course constructed or transferred under this Act is disused for three years continuously, the right of the applicant, or of his representative in interest, to occupy such land or water-course shall cease absolutely.

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