4. Functions of the Council.-
6[(1) The Council shall function as a regional planning body for the north-eastern area.
(2) While formulating the regional plans for the north-eastern area, the Council shall give priority to schemes and projects which will benefit two or more States:
Provided that in case or Sikkim, the Council shall formulate specific projects and schemes for that State including the review of implementation of such projects and schemes.]
(3) The Council shall-
(a) review, from time to time, the implementation of the projects and schemes included in the regional plan and recommend measures for effecting co-ordination among the Governments of the States concerned in the matter of implementation of such projects and schemes;
(b) where a project or scheme is intended to benefit two or more States, recommend the manner in which,-
(i) such project or scheme may be executed or implemented and managed or maintained; or
(ii) the benefits therefrom may be shared; or
(iii) the expenditure thereon may be incurred;
(d) recommend to the Government of the State concerned or to the Central Government the undertaking of necessary surveys and investigation of projects in any State represented in the Council to facilitate consideration of the feasibility of including new projects in the regional plan.
(4) The Council shall review from time to time the measures taken by the States represented in the Council for the maintenance of security and public order therein and recommend to the Governments of the States concerned further measures necessary in this regard.
2[(5) The Council shall have such power as may be delegated to it by the Central Government.]