289. Contamination and disinfection of public conveyance.
(1) Whoever
(a) uses a public conveyance while suffering from a dangerous disease; or
(b) uses a public conveyance for the carriage of a person who is suffering from any dangerous disease; or
(c) uses a public conveyance for the carriage of the corpse of a person who has died from any such disease,
shall be bound to take proper precautions against the communication of the disease to other persons using or who may thereafter use the conveyance and to notify such use to the owner, driver, or person in charge of the conveyance, and further report without delay to the Chairperson the number of the conveyance and the name of the person so notified.
(2) Where any person suffering from, or the corpse of any person who has died from, a dangerous disease has been carried in public conveyance which ordinarily plies in New Delhi or any part thereof, the driver thereof shall forthwith report the fact to the Chairperson who shall forthwith cause the conveyance to be disinfected if that has not already been done.
(3) No such conveyance shall be again brought into use until the officer authorised by the Chairperson has granted a certificate stating that it can be used without causing risk of infection.
(4) Whoever fails to make to the Chairperson any report which he is required to make under this section shall be guilty of an offence.