286. Means of disinfection.
(1) The Chairperson shall
(a) provide proper places with necessary attendants and apparatus for the disinfection of conveyances, clothing, bedding and other articles which have been exposed to infection;
(b) cause conveyances, clothing and other articles brought for disinfection to be disinfected either free of charge or on payment of such charges as he may fix.
(2) The Chairperson may notify places at which articles of clothing, bedding and the conveyances or other articles which have been exposed to infection shall be washed and if he does so, no person shall wash any such thing at any place not so notified without having previously disinfected such thing.
(3) The Chairperson may direct the destruction of any clothing, bedding or other article likely to retain infection and may give such compensation as he thinks fit for any article so destroyed.