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231. Naming and numbering of streets.

(1) The Chairperson may

(a) with the sanction of the Council determine the name or number by which any street or public place vested in the Council shall be known;

(b) cause to be put up or painted at a conspicuous part of any building, wall or place at or near each end, corner or entrance of such street or on some convenient part of such street, the name or number by which it is to be known;

(c) cause to be put up or painted on boards of suitable size the name of any public place vested in the Council;

(d) determine the number or sub-number by which any premises or part of such premises shall be known and cause such number or sub-number to be fixed to the side or outer door of such premises or to some place at the entrance of the enclosure thereof.

(2) No person shall destroy, remove, deface or in any way injure or alter any such name or number or sub-number or put up or paint any name or number or sub-number different from that put up or painted by order of the Chairperson.

New Delhi Municipal Council Act, 1994 Back

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