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217. Lay-out plans.

(1) Before utilising, selling or otherwise dealing with any land under section 216, the owner thereof shall send to the Chairperson a written application with a layout plan of the land showing the following particulars, namely:

(a) the plots into which the land is proposed to be divided for the erection of buildings thereon and the purpose or purposes for which such buildings are to be used;

(b) the reservation or allotment of any site for any street, open space, park, recreation ground, school, market or any other public purpose;

(c) the intended level, direction and width of street or streets;

(d) the regular line of street or streets;

(e) the arrangement to be made for levelling, paving, metalling, flagging, channelling, sewering, draining, conserving and lighting street or streets.

(2) The provisions of this Act and the bye-laws made thereunder as to width of the public streets and the height of buildings abutting thereon, shall apply in the case of streets referred to in sub-section(1) and all the particulars referred to in that sub-section shall be subject to the sanction of the Council.

(3) Within sixty days after the receipt of any application under sub-section

(1) the Council shall either accord sanction to the layout plan on such conditions as it may think fit or disallow it or ask for further information with respect to it.

(4) Such sanction shall be refused

(a) if the particulars shown in the lay-out plan would conflict with any arrangements which have been made or which are in the opinion of the Council likely to be made for carrying out any general scheme of development of New Delhi whether contained in the master plan or a zonal development plan prepared for New Delhi or not; or

(b) if the said lay-out plan does not conform to the provisions of this Act and bye-laws made thereunder; or

(c) if any street proposed in the plan is not designed so as to connect at one end with a street which is already open.

(5) No person shall utilise, sell or otherwise deal with any land or lay-out or make any new street without or otherwise than in conformity with the orders of the Council and if further information is asked for, no step shall be taken to utilise, sell or otherwise deal with the land or to lay-out or make the street until orders have been passed upon receipt of such information:

Provided that the passing of such orders shall not be in any case delayed for more than sixty days after the Council has received the information which it considers necessary to enable it to deal with the said application.

(6) The lay-out plan referred to earlier in this section, shall be prepared by an architect.

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