203. Functions of Chairperson in respect of public streets.
(1) The Chairperson shall, from time to time, cause all public streets vested in the Council to be levelled, metalled or paved, channelled, altered or repaired, and may widen, extend or otherwise improve any such street or cause the soil thereof to be raised, lowered or altered or may place and keep in repair fences and posts for the safety of foot passengers:
Provided that no widening, extension or other improvement of a public street, the aggregate cost of which will exceed one lakh rupees, shall be undertaken by the Chairperson except with the previous sanction of the Council.
(2) With the previous sanction of the Council, the Chairperson may permanently close the whole or any part of a public street:
Provided that before according such sanction the Council shall by notice, published in the manner specified by bye-laws give reasonable opportunity to the residents likely to be affected by such closure to make suggestions or objections with respect to such closure and shall consider all such suggestions or objections which may be made within one month from the date of publication of the said notice.