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164. Prohibition of waste or misuse of water.

(1) No person shall wilfully or negligently cause or suffer any water fitting which he is liable to maintain,

(a) to be or remain so out of order or so in need of repair, or

(b) to be or remain so constructed or adapted or to be so used,

that the water supplied to him by the Council is or is likely to be wasted, misused or unduly consumed, or contaminated before use, or that foul air or any impure matter is likely to return into any pipe belonging to, or connected with, a pipe belonging to the Council.

(2) If any water fittings which any person is liable to maintain is in such a condition, or so constructed or adapted as aforesaid, the Chairperson, without prejudice to his right to proceed against the person under any other provision of this Act may require that person to carry out any necessary repairs or alterations and if he fails to do so within forty-eight hours, may himself carry out the work and recover from him the expenses reasonably incurred by him in so doing, as an arrear of tax.

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