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10. Powers and functions of Commission.-

(1) The Commission shall perform the following functions, namely:-

(a)laydown policies for maintaining a high quality and high standards in medical education and make necessary regulations in this behalf;

(b)laydown policies for regulating medical institutions, medical researches and medical professionals and make necessary regulations in this behalf;

(c)assessthe requirements in healthcare, including human resources for health and healthcare infrastructure and develop a road map for meeting such requirements;

(d)promote, co-ordinate and frame guidelines and lay down policies by making necessary regulations for the proper functioning of the Commission, the Autonomous Boards and the State Medical Councils;

(e)ensureco-ordination among the Autonomous Boards;

(f) take such measures, as may be necessary, to ensure compliance by the State Medical Councils of the guidelines framed and regulations made under this Act for their effective functioning under this Act;

(g)exerciseappellate jurisdiction with respect to the decisions of the Autonomous Boards;

(h)laydown policies and codes to ensure observance of professional ethics in medical profession and to promote ethical conduct during the provision of care by medical practitioners;

(i)frameguidelines for determination of fees and all other charges in respect of fifty per cent.ofseats in private medical institutions and deemed to be universities which are governed under the provisions of this Act;

(j)exercisesuch other powers and perform such other functions as may be prescribed.

(2) All orders and decisions of the Commission shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary.

(3) The Commission may delegate such of its powers of administrative and financial matters, as it deems fit, to the Secretary.

(4) The Commission may constitute sub-committees and delegate such of its powers to such sub-committees as may be necessary to enable them to accomplish specific tasks.

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